Wednesday, April 06, 2005

yo everyone.

well i dint take 5 stations today because of some grouping kinda thing, so we had to do conditioning with azhar, which was quite hellish. me and sarge were groaning away in agony!

anyway the eng bio presentation went exceptionally well, no slipups during the presentation. however i fucked up the q & a like hell, we'll be lucky to get 2/5 for that segment. im sorry grpmates.

i was saying f*ck like so many times. at least 20 times.

hmm until now i just cant get over it. its funny how i really place a lot of importance on certain things. its when i put in effort and preparation that i really care about the marks. pride i say. and i cant stand a perfect presentation being marred by some fucked up answers from me! im really angry with myself coz i had rather high expectations.

i just suck at thinking on the spot. i like to mull over certain assignments for hours. this lack of brain activity when in a tight spot is a major flaw i have to work on.

talk about angst eh? but really, ill be thinking about this one tonight. it hasnt gotten outta me head yet

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