Wednesday, March 09, 2005

hi all.

well its getting hard to think of stuff to write. school really hasnt been of much interest. im running out of steam. always happens towards the end of the term. probably no one knows, but last years end of years i ran out of steam. i was very focused for the first test of the day. but for the second test i never did think properly and i gave up very easily and i was tired. it happened everyday of the week. so if i sucked for the first sub of the day its really too bad. its as if the hols were a really bad distraction to me.

its track and field on friday. i think we could snatch it. i would give ourselves a 35% chance of winning. its really dumb when the house isnt united. the sec 2s are perpetual irritants. they dont do anything or try to do anything. i hope they do put in their best for cheers at least.

why i do stuff for moor. because i want to (somewhat i have some minor semblance of moorian spirit), and because i want to give support to my friends in the com. moreso for the latter reason. but collectively it makes me happy when the house wins. besides i would feel increasingly petty and guilty if i actually didnt cheer or sth like that.

anyway i dont know if all the cheating and copying has gotten to me. esp in the chinese test last week. i blatantly copied for the tian chong (didnt think, but when i looked back, i knew most of it). and the accumulation of this over the term has really made me doubt my own ability. can i do stuff on my own? im sure i can, but really...can i? its kind of like self-doubt and insecure paranoia, like im losing my independence or sth.

i hope i do well for geogtest, sstest, bio assign, chem prac. these 4 are very important to me. i also take pride in my english work. i cannot accept myself writing sth for english that doesnt come from me.

hmm. today we realised we didnt have enough soil for our farm so we are quite screwed. donno why dick wants to grow mint and aloe vera as well. use mint for what? and he also said aloe vera is poisonous. so grow for what! but i wont complain so much coz dick is doing tons of work.

gee nee is nice, lala sucks. no matter how much she changes, she will always be a hypocritical bitch to me because i cannot take her mood swings and facades.

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