Sunday, December 12, 2004

woot leaving tomorow morn. wont be back till 23th.

anyway. bought some honey roasted cashewnuts and mamee snack to tide me thru the 4 hr drive to some prawn crackers and hello panda. too bad i put back tons of snacks :( if not i would be much more reassured.

haiyo. today at city harvest church, so packed that we had to sit on the steps. got one kind guy damn enthu somemore share bible with me. anyway we learnt how to get rich, taught by this john leguzimi guy. i really need more faith if i want to get rich zz. MUST FIND YOUR JEHOVAH JIREH! claim teh promise! faith faith faith!

anyway ho yeow suns success in america is pretty much nothin u know...they making a big fuss outa it. its on the hot danceplay charts for goodness sakes -_- she hasnt even broken into the official singles chart. anyway rock on sun -__-

if i get priscilla lim next year.......
ill tickles posie till he vapourises
ill whack twins till they break into many pieces
ill poke xiong wei and get my ass kicked
ill taunt quanzy about merseyside derby and draw on his stuff
ill flick chun damn hard
ill say the f word which i havent said too many times these hols
ill pray to god to help me
ill stare at daniao to lighten my spirits
ill die

dont think so much about it.....

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