Thursday, April 29, 2004

have chinese and math test tomorow. mugging for chinese at the moment. im pretty much screwd for math. i dont really understand modulus etc.

well, suddenly clemence showed up and told me there was badminton training tomorow. well, decided to go for mentoring over training. over this 5 months, my priorities in life have really changed. badminton really means shit to me now. really wished i had mentoring like 135.

really, i dont really care for this sport. when hamid khan came, i think my passion jus kinda disappeared. i love the sport, i really do...but sighz, i cant explain my feeling.

i really want to do well for interact. its really a sort of relief for me, something different from this results-driven world. the mentees are so raw and immature, that it really brings some hope. at least they havent been contamintated so much by the society yet.

im kinda thinking, nxt time when i have the family, would i want my children to be subject to the spore education system. it really is efficient, but it also brings a lot of hardship and ingrains this conformist mentality.

oh well..maybe its jus the gep,

lala is being a bugger.i cant understand why she has to give beta such a hard time. not only does she not help him, but she criticises him for not apparent reason. its super pissy. screw that b!^(h

she shd jus die.

or try and learn from better teachers like krishnan.

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