Thursday, May 27, 2004
it was a bad day.
second last day of term and we get so much hw, well sigh.
got chem, bio, re to do by tomorow...sad
well, i really dont like lala lim, seriously. todae she was blardi unreasonable during math lesson, wont let beta go toilet to take a piss -__-. i was kinda irritated. i bet if cute little melvyn asked her she'll prolly bring the toilet bowl to his *thing.
and den she screwd shermon for posting stuff about boonhuats address and car license plate. i felt it was even more spastic -_-, all the stuff about privacy was almost all bs. get real, shes contradicting herself. checking out the phone directory is invasion of privacy -_-, the phone directory is an invasion of privacy in itself, sheesh dude, use yur brain and stop being so bloody self-righteous.
quote: "i think, therefore i am"
lalas one will prolly go like this: " I am brainless and cannot think, therefore whatever i say is correct" -.-
one thing i hate myself for is the inability to speak up to higher authority. if not ill flame lala. i hate myself for that.
et got super lag for me
second last day of term and we get so much hw, well sigh.
got chem, bio, re to do by tomorow...sad
well, i really dont like lala lim, seriously. todae she was blardi unreasonable during math lesson, wont let beta go toilet to take a piss -__-. i was kinda irritated. i bet if cute little melvyn asked her she'll prolly bring the toilet bowl to his *thing.
and den she screwd shermon for posting stuff about boonhuats address and car license plate. i felt it was even more spastic -_-, all the stuff about privacy was almost all bs. get real, shes contradicting herself. checking out the phone directory is invasion of privacy -_-, the phone directory is an invasion of privacy in itself, sheesh dude, use yur brain and stop being so bloody self-righteous.
quote: "i think, therefore i am"
lalas one will prolly go like this: " I am brainless and cannot think, therefore whatever i say is correct" -.-
one thing i hate myself for is the inability to speak up to higher authority. if not ill flame lala. i hate myself for that.
et got super lag for me
hey i really dont know why my et is lagging so badly....
it lags esp during fuel dump and always lags in firefights...which of course puts me at an obvious disadvantage. oh well...stil can whore as always ^^
-.- haha
just watched most of american idol, and i have to say, fantasia pwned the fat slob diana. like she sucked in the first, den reinvented summertime in another way (did it once already earlier)...woot i was blown away by that, and for the last one...once i saw that choir standing around her i noe she aced it
hahaha. you just kinda feel it yar?
diana suxors. i mean shes consistent, but i cant say shes worthy of being the american idol.
simon really rocks.
it lags esp during fuel dump and always lags in firefights...which of course puts me at an obvious disadvantage. oh well...stil can whore as always ^^
-.- haha
just watched most of american idol, and i have to say, fantasia pwned the fat slob diana. like she sucked in the first, den reinvented summertime in another way (did it once already earlier)...woot i was blown away by that, and for the last one...once i saw that choir standing around her i noe she aced it
hahaha. you just kinda feel it yar?
diana suxors. i mean shes consistent, but i cant say shes worthy of being the american idol.
simon really rocks.
Monday, May 24, 2004
im quite sad and unhappy. actually im pissed with myself and pissed with a lot of teachers
i am pissed with myself for screwing up my lit. (bio is nothing). i know that i am going to screw up becoz kw got 11/25... strict. Just as i was getting into the groove for it, where any oldhow essay by me could score quite well, i just go and screw up my common test. heck i had chem and i was tired and i dint noe how much time was left and i dint know what to write and so i screwd up. shit yurself. you suck. I am engaging the pleasant guidance of my sis to help me do well for lit. JUST YOU WAIT!
I am pissed with lala lim because she is bloody ugly and she cant teach for nuts. Apart from the fact that i cant understand her lessons, her attitude just stinking sucks. prejudiced bugger..
I am very pissed with kuang because she assigned the english proposal dog poo to be handed up on wed and out of the blue on monday she comes up with this speech/debate crap which really makes me infuriated. its due either tomorow or thurs. I am really ready to blow my top because firstly, i hate speeches or debates. Secondly, if i want to do well, i need TIME. Lastly, I dont have any f-king time. if she is going to be so downright insensitive den screw her.
today i did some supplentary phsyics retest. den someone told me it was the mainstream paper. wtf. as long as you study, this paper is shitball crap chicken feet. dont come and crap to tell me there is really such a gap between gep and mainstream. their paper is on 35 somemore. nb.
I would really like to watch shrek 2, everyone says its really good and it just opened with record sales in the usa so im expecting much from it. o.0 i got roped into xiaoles acjc dance concert. usually i wudnt waste my money on this kind of thing, but since its xiaole i dont mind bcause i do appreciate her helping us with chem tuition.
these are the ppl who should go and die or suck wadever they want.
hamid khan (beegg fat sadistic slob)
mustafa (the slobs minion)
ppl i like:
pott (seriously, i like him)
boon huat (hes not bad, i realised, though he cant teach)
chun, beta, weng, kw, adriana, sian, yao, quanz, posef, xiongwei, komrade, lipo, sarge, cq,
i hate to say this, but those ppl that became prefects, like became too goody two shoes. like i prefer the wenhao of old and the alvin of old.
i am pissed with myself for screwing up my lit. (bio is nothing). i know that i am going to screw up becoz kw got 11/25... strict. Just as i was getting into the groove for it, where any oldhow essay by me could score quite well, i just go and screw up my common test. heck i had chem and i was tired and i dint noe how much time was left and i dint know what to write and so i screwd up. shit yurself. you suck. I am engaging the pleasant guidance of my sis to help me do well for lit. JUST YOU WAIT!
I am pissed with lala lim because she is bloody ugly and she cant teach for nuts. Apart from the fact that i cant understand her lessons, her attitude just stinking sucks. prejudiced bugger..
I am very pissed with kuang because she assigned the english proposal dog poo to be handed up on wed and out of the blue on monday she comes up with this speech/debate crap which really makes me infuriated. its due either tomorow or thurs. I am really ready to blow my top because firstly, i hate speeches or debates. Secondly, if i want to do well, i need TIME. Lastly, I dont have any f-king time. if she is going to be so downright insensitive den screw her.
today i did some supplentary phsyics retest. den someone told me it was the mainstream paper. wtf. as long as you study, this paper is shitball crap chicken feet. dont come and crap to tell me there is really such a gap between gep and mainstream. their paper is on 35 somemore. nb.
I would really like to watch shrek 2, everyone says its really good and it just opened with record sales in the usa so im expecting much from it. o.0 i got roped into xiaoles acjc dance concert. usually i wudnt waste my money on this kind of thing, but since its xiaole i dont mind bcause i do appreciate her helping us with chem tuition.
these are the ppl who should go and die or suck wadever they want.
hamid khan (beegg fat sadistic slob)
mustafa (the slobs minion)
ppl i like:
pott (seriously, i like him)
boon huat (hes not bad, i realised, though he cant teach)
chun, beta, weng, kw, adriana, sian, yao, quanz, posef, xiongwei, komrade, lipo, sarge, cq,
i hate to say this, but those ppl that became prefects, like became too goody two shoes. like i prefer the wenhao of old and the alvin of old.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
ok, my ct is beyond screwd up ok.... really lousy....i really donno what to say, but its screwd up.
here are my lousy subs
physics: 35/70
chem: 34/70
chinese: 71.5/120
math: 14/55 (fu*k its x f-king 2)
FUCK----i really cant help it, im really fuped
and theres still fking bio and lit
fuck my average is 53.5/100
FUK math, really fuck it. how can fucking lala still treat everydae like a normal dae when 3 students in her class got below 15 for math and thats x fuking 2
shit......really im really not happy, who gives a shit if ri gets another gold and we get some cocked up holiday. what matters is whether your life is fuckd up or not. so FUCK IT! FUCK IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT
here are my lousy subs
physics: 35/70
chem: 34/70
chinese: 71.5/120
math: 14/55 (fu*k its x f-king 2)
FUCK----i really cant help it, im really fuped
and theres still fking bio and lit
fuck my average is 53.5/100
FUK math, really fuck it. how can fucking lala still treat everydae like a normal dae when 3 students in her class got below 15 for math and thats x fuking 2
shit......really im really not happy, who gives a shit if ri gets another gold and we get some cocked up holiday. what matters is whether your life is fuckd up or not. so FUCK IT! FUCK IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
finally i can blog in peace without the internet page having an error.
oh well allow me to recount my experiences from the common test.
English----ok, but summary i thought was way over limit
Chinese---zao ju minus 12. that sux
Bio-easy, but dint study, so screw up
Chem---hard.......wadever die
Physics---methinks me gonna fail
Math---just stoned there donno how to do anything, got the feeling that i am dead already
ss--pretty good
geog---ok lar....
Lit-no inspiration
These are the subs im gonna fail: Math, Phys, Bio so far
On to the results
English---28/35. I was pretty damn surprised over this. dint expect to get so high esp since the summary was my first draft -.-
Really thanked god for this, needed the boost
Lit review was pretty good too, thank god for that too!
SS---23/30 not bad lar, considering coulnt remember a lot of factors.
Geog--- 65% I cant say this is good. But i dint study much of weather or how to answer ques, so yar im not complaining
Bad subs so far
math---14/55 wth i expected to fail but i dint expect to get so low! i lost to hoshag....-ultimate humiliation-, i was destroyed, massacred...however you want to put it...shit. I really wasnt too happy about it, just angry with myself you know, den i just felt too tired to keep cursing and shitting around.
im not expecting too high for physics, i got 14/20 for mcq, which is not good.
wadever, i still silently thank god, and wonder what was the reason behind the math messup.
tq everyone
oh well allow me to recount my experiences from the common test.
English----ok, but summary i thought was way over limit
Chinese---zao ju minus 12. that sux
Bio-easy, but dint study, so screw up
Chem---hard.......wadever die
Physics---methinks me gonna fail
Math---just stoned there donno how to do anything, got the feeling that i am dead already
ss--pretty good
geog---ok lar....
Lit-no inspiration
These are the subs im gonna fail: Math, Phys, Bio so far
On to the results
English---28/35. I was pretty damn surprised over this. dint expect to get so high esp since the summary was my first draft -.-
Really thanked god for this, needed the boost
Lit review was pretty good too, thank god for that too!
SS---23/30 not bad lar, considering coulnt remember a lot of factors.
Geog--- 65% I cant say this is good. But i dint study much of weather or how to answer ques, so yar im not complaining
Bad subs so far
math---14/55 wth i expected to fail but i dint expect to get so low! i lost to hoshag....-ultimate humiliation-, i was destroyed, massacred...however you want to put it...shit. I really wasnt too happy about it, just angry with myself you know, den i just felt too tired to keep cursing and shitting around.
im not expecting too high for physics, i got 14/20 for mcq, which is not good.
wadever, i still silently thank god, and wonder what was the reason behind the math messup.
tq everyone
Thursday, May 13, 2004
hey sorry i havent been blogging but i keep getting an error when i try to load my post and i keep forgetting to forget and paste -.-
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
hey sorry i havent been blogging but i keep getting an error when i try to load my post and i keep forgetting to forget and paste -.-
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
hey sorry i havent been blogging but i keep getting an error when i try to load my post and i keep forgetting to forget and paste -.-
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
hey sorry i havent been blogging but i keep getting an error when i try to load my post and i keep forgetting to forget and paste -.-
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
so yar....been having cts. reallly screwd up. my mums quite pissed with me for not working hard, shes really quite frustrated. and my sis jus shouted at me for putting in so little effort. -_-
ok fine, i admit it too. my studies really suck now. i really will work hard during june hols.
oh well let me sum up my cts so far
ss---not bad
geog---dint finish last ques (lost about 3 or 4 marks)
math---major screw up (jus donno how to do...mindblock, rashes in the dam morning are not good, was rolling up my pants and scratching my legs off. thank god it was huang lao shi if it was priscilla she wud have slaughteered me
eng---summary overshot by alot. get the picture eh
bio---screwd up....paper was far easier than i expected but i did not mug bio in order to mug math and TRY and do well for math. unexpectedly, my flawless plan backfired on my ass and i ended up screwin up both
physics---errr....physics was kinda screwd up for the average person...i am the worst physics guy in the whole gep...thats waeee below the obvious answer is that i screwed up alot
sorry to all who bore the brunt of my anger on math dae. i saed the f-word---quite rare. but on math dae i said it about 40 times. sorry i did not control myself. i apologise to everyone and god too. not to mentioned i said nb a lot of times
tq chuntsen for counselling me for math. dam yur good. i wish i had chuns social skills hes jus such a nice guy, its scary...
ppl on my assasination list: priscilla lim, kleong, daniel lo
one dae if i ever become rich and they are still alive in the rough world (methinks only keleong will still be alive), i will send my special assasins to saw his head off like those al quaeda dudes did to mr america.
revenge will be sweet.
in yur dreams pecky...snap back to reality...
hey gargoei aint such a bad guy, at least he teaches math to the lower class guys
tomorow is lit and chem and im not very confident in either...esp chem.
oh well
Friday, May 07, 2004
i can bloody mug todae becoz i need to do my physics which incidentally i am screw for. i donno how chuntsen came up with so much.
bsides, i am breaking out in bugger rashes that are making me tired and fatigued from scratching. i shd really take some dam photos to let you see, those little lumps on my arms in school are like 0.000001 percent of the true thing.
dang its hellish
i shant go into where i scratch... *erhem, kinda sensitive yar. lets just say all parts of the body :D
arghh i dowan to get destroyed for common test.
bsides, i am breaking out in bugger rashes that are making me tired and fatigued from scratching. i shd really take some dam photos to let you see, those little lumps on my arms in school are like 0.000001 percent of the true thing.
dang its hellish
i shant go into where i scratch... *erhem, kinda sensitive yar. lets just say all parts of the body :D
arghh i dowan to get destroyed for common test.
yo dudes its 325 am and i still haven done chem or physics. excellent
well i was doing my eng portfolio which is blardi thick and full of cowcrap while after that i did crp which incidentally arunna wanted on mon
yesterdae we had functions popquiz. i was like ooooh....crap. i left my paper blank and handed it up and i donno wad lala is going to do to me.
dont like her anywaes. she jus changed the seating arrangement and moved quanz to the front, moved zhong to gar goei moved posef between shaun tan and ggy and put yao in front. that is just plain mean lar. she should jus die.
i am so hungry and i resisted eating charsiew pastry buns at 1 in case i fell asleep. POWER PECKY!
oh really sux
im really gonna mug todae.
well i was doing my eng portfolio which is blardi thick and full of cowcrap while after that i did crp which incidentally arunna wanted on mon
yesterdae we had functions popquiz. i was like ooooh....crap. i left my paper blank and handed it up and i donno wad lala is going to do to me.
dont like her anywaes. she jus changed the seating arrangement and moved quanz to the front, moved zhong to gar goei moved posef between shaun tan and ggy and put yao in front. that is just plain mean lar. she should jus die.
i am so hungry and i resisted eating charsiew pastry buns at 1 in case i fell asleep. POWER PECKY!
oh really sux
im really gonna mug todae.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
haven blogged for long time.
well mon was eng and ss. eng was screwed up becoz my summary wasnt really summarised witch kinda defeats the purpose. ss was fine
surprises. dint fail chem! got 11/20.very commendable score of 11 out of a possible 12 marks. dint do last 2 ques. a lot of ppl failed. ME AND CHUN SURVIVEED
at least it wont be a hat trick of fails now for me
hmm how did i degenerate to such a state
nvm ill make things right in semester 2. i hope
physics really sucked todae. i am gonna fail the waves test and maybe survive the sound one.
tomorow going to support softball, consider it a total waste of time except that we are gonna support posef! GO POSEF!!! YEAH!
maniacal pecky gives off a cackle: HEEE EEEE hEEEHeheeeheeheeee
well mon was eng and ss. eng was screwed up becoz my summary wasnt really summarised witch kinda defeats the purpose. ss was fine
surprises. dint fail chem! got 11/20.very commendable score of 11 out of a possible 12 marks. dint do last 2 ques. a lot of ppl failed. ME AND CHUN SURVIVEED
at least it wont be a hat trick of fails now for me
hmm how did i degenerate to such a state
nvm ill make things right in semester 2. i hope
physics really sucked todae. i am gonna fail the waves test and maybe survive the sound one.
tomorow going to support softball, consider it a total waste of time except that we are gonna support posef! GO POSEF!!! YEAH!
maniacal pecky gives off a cackle: HEEE EEEE hEEEHeheeeheeheeee